Longitudinal Study
in Ribeirão Preto

In 2019, Avançar carried out another field research within the scope of its socio-emotional development projects. The research is one of the initiatives that applied the SENNA instrument, a system for measuring the socioemotional characteristics of Brazilian students, which was developed in partnership with Instituto Ayrton Senna and Edulab 21.

The scientific literature has already presented important results on the role of so-called socioemotional, or non-cognitive skills, both for learning and better academic performance and for the insertion of young people in the labor market. In this sense, the study aims to describe the reality of students in Ribeirão Preto, a middle size brazilian city, and to understand in depth the relationship of socioemotional characteristics with school results and other important factors for the formation of young people as students and citizens.

The study managed assessments covering both cognitive skills, such as proficiency in Portuguese and Mathematics, and also the socioemotional skills, such as empathy, resilience, organization, openness to new experiences and self-esteem. The work reached practically all children in the 3rd and 4th grades of elementary school covering both public and private schools.

As a result of the research, we sent a feedback to the school district and to each school board and, on July 21 of 2020, we promoted a live webinar transmission to Youtube. The event had a presentation of an overview of the research results for the municipality as a whole. The opening was carried out by the Regional Director, Ms. Darlene Stocco Colonese Gonçalves and the Municipal Secretary of Education, Mr. Felipe Miguel Elias. Then, the results were presented by Dr. Luiz Scorzafave and finally, Dr. Mozart Ramos Neves, chair of the Institute for Advanced Studies (IEA-USP), addressed the issue of educational inequality in the city of Ribeirão Preto.

Rua do Professor, 370, apto 193, Ribeirão Preto

(16) 3315-3918

© 2019 Neve Agency